Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Week 7 - Day 3

*True or False?
a.  Sweet potatoes and yams are the same thing...
b.  The first Europeans to taste sweet potatoes were members of Columbus' expedition in 1492...

*Multiple choice question ... 
Sweet potatoes are the root of a vine in what family?
a.  The morning glory family
b.  The potato family
c.  The trumpet vine family
d.  The daisy family

Find the answers on page 95 in your Healthy Home Ec book.

Start today by filling a large pot with water and bringing it to a boil. 

Peel 4 - 5 large sweet potatoes.

Cut sweet potatoes into small cubes.

Add the sweet potatoes to the boiling water and cook as directed.

While the sweet potatoes cook, gather your other ingredients.

Drain the sweet potatoes when they are tender.
Rinse with cold water and let drain and cool slightly.

Add to the mixing bowl and mix.

Add the raw sugar (I add about 1/4 cup less than what your book recommends),
butter, milk (1/4 cup), salt, and vanilla.
Add the eggs last.

Mix again.

Transfer to a greased baking dish.

Mix together the brown sugar, flour, and nuts.
I prefer pecans, but I couldn't find mine today, so I used the sliced almonds that I had.

Cut in the butter until crumbly.

Add the topping to the sweet potatoes.

Bake as directed.

At this point, you can eat these.
Or, tomorrow you'll be making a roasted turkey,
so if you'd like, you can cover this with plastic wrap once it is completely cooled,
and refrigerate until tomorrow to have with your turkey.
Tomorrow, bring the dish to room temperature; remove the plastic wrap; 
cover with a glass cover or aluminum foil; 
and bake at 325 degrees F. until warmed through.

See you tomorrow!

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