Friday, September 6, 2013

Week 5 - Day 4

*What makes tomatoes red?
*What 2 main vitamins are found in tomatoes?
Find out in the Healthy Home Ec book.

 This is a bay leaf plant that I brought back when we moved from Florida.
Bay leaves have a sweet, citrus smell when fresh.
They grow like a tree in the South, but as a potted plant, mine is about 4 foot tall.

Gather your supplies and ingredients.

Choose organic or all natural meat, without antibiotics, growth hormones, or preservatives.
(This sauce could easily be made with or without meat.)

Fry the meat.
Add the wine or grape juice once the meat is done.
Wine will help de-glaze the pan if you are frying ground beef.
Ground turkey will have hardly any fat at all.

Saute the onion, celery, and garlic.
Use another skillet, or put the meat in a container and set aside if using the same skillet for the veggies.

Wash and dice the veggies.
Cut the onion and garlic as in previous lessons.

Cutting the celery in half or in fourths allows for smaller diced pieces.

Saute the veggies.

Transfer the veggies to the Vita-mix or powerful blender.
Lightly puree.
If you want a chunky sauce, add the whole diced tomatoes to the meat mixture later.
For a smoother sauce, you can add the diced tomatoes to the blender.

Add the lightly pureed veggies to the meat.
Add the remaining ingredients.

Mix all the ingredients together.
Cover and let simmer for 1-2 hours.

Remove the bay leaves before serving.

 Serve with your favorite pasta.
Cook according to package directions.

Italian Spaghetti Sauce also goes well with an Italian Salad...

and fresh bread with Italian dipping oil.

 The finished meal:

Remember to continue memorizing this week's Scripture verses.
Have a blessed evening!

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