Monday, September 9, 2013

Week 5 - Day 5

*What are some differences between almond butter and peanut butter?
*On day 1 of this week you learned about preservatives.  
Which of the following is not a commonly used preservative?
a.   Disodium EDTA
b.  Sodium Benzoate
c.  Calcium Proprionate
d.  Coriander

Find the answers to these questions in this week's Healthy Home Ec lesson.

If you are new to grinding your own grain to make your own flour, you may want to start off with small quantities.  Store the grain in an airtight container.
But if you plan on milling all or much of your own flour in the future, it is more cost effective to purchase grain in larger quantities.  
(See "About This Curriculum" on the blog page for suggestions about where to purchase.)
 Using a gamma seal lid, like the blue and yellow lid in the photo below, on a 5 gallon bucket will help keep your grain sealed and fresh.  
It also makes taking the lid off much easier for quick and easy access.

 Gather your supplies and ingredients to make Almond Butter Bars.
I prefer raw almond butter, but this brand was on sale.
Almond butter can be expensive, so purchase it when it goes on sale and stock up,
or make your own almond butter as mentioned on page 75 in the Healthy Home Ec book.

Melt the butter and almond butter together.

Remove from heat and let cool slightly.

Grind your grain as in previous lessons to make the flour.

Add the remaining ingredients.

Stir to blend after each ingredient is added.

Batter should be thick and creamy.

 Pour into the sprayed baking dish.

 Spread the batter to fill the dish.

Bake as directed.

Cut into bars and enjoy.

This completes week 5.  Keep up the good work!

"Working" to prepare our food is a satisfying and rewarding experience.
It gives us a sense of accomplishment, it provides foods for our bodies that are nutritious, healthful, and taste great; and preparing our own foods can be much more cost effective.

If you have younger siblings in your home, read "The Little Red Hen" to them.
An important lesson and Biblical truth is taught in this children's classic.

"If anyone is not willing to work,
let him not eat."
2 Thessalonians 3:10b

Something to think about.....

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