Saturday, September 14, 2013

Week 6 - Day 5

*"The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord."
Psalm 33:5

Hello again.
Welcome back!

Gather your supplies and ingredients to make an autumn cornucopia.
If it is not autumn when you are working on this lesson,
you can work on a different table centerpiece
or make this one, spray it with shellac or clear enamel,
and save it until autumn.
Ask your instructor about how to proceed.

Tear off the desired amount of aluminum foil
according to page 86 in the Healthy Home Ec book.

Fold it in half.

Roll diagonally to form a hollow cone.

The opening should have a diameter of about 5 inches.

Fasten the end and any loose areas with clear tape.

Stuff the cone with crumpled aluminum until cone is stiff.

Make the egg glaze.

Spray the cookie sheet with cooking spray.

Spray the outside of the cone with cooking spray.

Prepare a work area for the dough.
I used a pastry cloth covered with white flour.

Open and unroll the dough.

Use a knife if necessary to cut on the perforated lines to separate.

Continue with step 3.

You'll probably need an extra set of hands right about now.
Thankfully I had my 2 daughters here to help me.
Ask if a sibling or parent could help.

Follow step 4.

Bake as directed.

 Once baked and golden brown,
remove from oven and let cool completely.

Remove aluminum foil from inside the cornucopia
once it is completely cooled.

Fill the cornucopia with fall-harvested fruits and vegetables, gourds, miniature pumpkins,
dried ears of Indian corn, pomegranates, or any other items mentioned in your book
or that you can think of using your imagination.
Be creative!

 Other ideas:
*Fill cornucopia with carrot sticks, celery sticks, broccoli, cauliflower, 
mini-bell peppers, radishes, cherry tomatoes, scallions, cucumber slices, 
sugar pea pods, etc.
and set a pretty dish of ranch dressing near it and use in place of a vegetable tray.

*Fill cornucopia with all natural cheese slices, strawberries, grapes, 
orange slices, pears, and apples 
with a side of fruit yogurt dip.

*Fill cornucopia with your favorite dried wild flowers.

*And remember, the cornucopia is edible as it is
unless you use shellac or enamel coating for storing.

Hope you had fun today.
Have a blessed evening.

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